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Thursday, March 4, 2021

bhakti movement 4

1.  The Saivaite Nayanmars and Vashanavaite  Alwar preached the Bhakti Cult under which of the following rulers?

A.  Pallavas, Pandyas and Cholas

B.  Pallavas, Cheras and Rashtrakutas

C.  Pallavas, Vijaynagar and Bahmani Kingdoms

D.  Cheras & Pandavas

Ans: A

2. Who was among the following Bhakti saints gave a new orientation of Hinduism through his doctrine of Advaita or Monism?

A.  Ramanuja

B.  Sankara

C.  Guru Nanak

D.  Chaitanya

Ans: B

3. Consider the following statement (s) related to the Bhakti Saint Ramanuja

I.  He preached Visishtadvaita.

II.  He said that the ‘God is Sagunabrahman’.

Which is/are correct statement (s)?

A.  Only I

B.  Only II

C.  Both I & II

D.  Neither I nor II

Ans: C

4. Select the incorrect statement (s) about Bhakti Saint Ramananda

I.  He advocated prabattimarga or path of self-surrender to God.

II.  He propagated ‘Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma’.

Which is/are correct statement (s)?

A.  Only I

B.  Only II

C.  Both I & II

D.  Neither I nor II

Ans: D

5. Who was the founder of the Bhakti Movement in Maharashtra in 13th Century?

A.  Namadev

B.  Ekanatha

C.  Tukaram

D.  Gnanadeva

Ans: D

6.  Bhakti Saint who was contemporary of Sivaji?

A.  Namadev

B.  Ekanatha

C.  Tukaram

D.  Gnanadeva

Ans: C

7. Which of the following is related to the concept of Nirgunabrahman?

A.  Advaita

B.  Visisthadvaita

C.  Both A & B

D.  Neither A nor B

Ans: A

8. Consider the following statement (s) related to the Bhakti Saint Chaitanya

I.  He popularised the Krishna Cult in Bengal.

II.  He believes that through love and devotion, song and dance, a devotee can feel the presence of God?

Which is/are correct statement (s)?

A.  Only I

B.  Only II

C.  Both I & II

D.  Neither I nor II

Ans: C

9. Who among the following propagated Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Pramatma in Kannada region?

A.  Mirabai

B.  Nimbarka

C.  Vallabhacharya

D.  Madhav

Ans: D

10. Who among the following Bhakti Saint said that “Abide pure amidst the impurities of the world”?

A.  Vallabhacharya

B.  Madhav

C.  Guru Nanak

D.  Chaitanya

Ans: C

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