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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Symptoms of Coronavirus

What is coronavirus?

Corona-virus , wuhaan-virus

Corona virus belongs to such a family of viruses whose infection can cause problems ranging from a cold to shortness of breath. This virus has never been seen before. The virus infection started in December in Wuhan, China. According to WHO, fever, cough, shortness of breath are its symptoms. So far no vaccine has been made to stop the virus from spreading.

Spreading of Corona Virus 

Corona-virus , wuhaan-virus

When someone infected with the corona virus coughs or sneezes, very fine particles of their spit are spread in the air. These particles contain viruses of the corona virus.

These viral particles can enter your body by way of breath when approaching an infected person.

If you touch a place where these particles have fallen and then touch your eye, nose or mouth with the same hand, then these particles reach your body.

In this case, using tissue while coughing and sneezing, not touching your face without washing your hands and avoiding contact with the infected person are very important to prevent the virus from spreading.

According to medical experts, face masks do not provide effective protection.

These 3 symptoms should be seen in 5 days, then get the corona virus checked

white-blood-cell , red-blood-cell
white blood cell

The risk of corona virus is increasing every day. The number of people exposed to this deadly virus is increasing. So far, more than one and a half million people have fallen prey to the corona virus all over the world. A recent report has claimed that within the first 5 days, there may be a complaint of corona virus when there are 3 specific symptoms in the body.

infection -virus

1.In the first 5 days after being engulfed by the corona virus, a person starts having a dry cough.

2.The patient starts experiencing high fever and his body temperature rises significantly. So far, many health experts have claimed to have high fever in corona virus.

3.The patient starts experiencing high fever and his body temperature rises significantly. So far, many health experts have claimed to have high fever in corona virus.

blood-test , test-kit

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