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Monday, July 22, 2019

Health benefits of Guava fruit

Health benefits of Guava fruit

Vitamins and minerals present in Guava are helpful in protecting the body from various diseases. It also strengthens the immune system. Guavas also give advice on eating food. Gujani Banerjee, Nutrition adviser, is telling about the advantages and advantages of eating guava .

guava fruit , guava leaf
guava fruit

Health benefits of Guava fruit

1. High energy fruit
Guava is high energy fruit, which contains plenty of vitamins and minerals. These elements are very important for our body.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

2. Improve DNA
Vitamin B-9 found in guava works to improve body cells and DNA.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

3. Friend of the heart
Potassium and magnesium present in guava protects the heart and muscles and protects them from many diseases.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

4. Strong immunity
If you want to increase your immune system, taking guava will be very beneficial.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

5. Cold-cold
Regular intake of guava reduces the risk of problems like cold cold.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

6. Vitamin A and E
Vitamin A and E, found in guava, nourishes eyes, hair and skin.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

7. Prevention of Cancer
Lycopene present in guava, phyto nutrients help to protect the body from the risk of cancer and tumors.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

8. Skin Care
Guava contains beta carotene which protects the body from skin related diseases.

guava juice , guava fruit
guava juice

Health benefits of Guava fruit

9. Constipation Problems
Regular consumption of guava provides relief in constipation problem.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

10. mouth ulcers
Along with the fruit, intake of guava leaves is effective in removing mouth ulcers.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

11. Food Items
Rice of guava, chutney, pickle and shake raise the taste of eating.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

12. Cholesterol
Guava keeps metabolism right, thereby controlling cholesterol levels in the body.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

13. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is more common in raw guava than ripe guava. Therefore raw guava food is more beneficial.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

14. Diabetes
The amount of fiber in guava is very high, so it is very good for patients with diabetes.

Health benefits of Guava fruit

15. Thyroid
In general thyroid also advises to eat guava guava.